Climate change & sustainability as key topics for your PR

Companies in Germany (and all over the world) have a powerful lever for environmental protection. CSR reporting obligations, supply chain guidelines, ESG targets, net zero - these are just some of the measures and targets that companies must use to contribute to climate protection. Regardless of industry and business sector, they have to develop concepts and meet requirements in addition to their day-to-day business. This is a huge task. Comparable in scale to the digital transformation. At best, it not only needs to be implemented, but also anchored in the corporate culture.

As an agency, we can firmly anchor sustainability and climate protection in communications and PR. We develop powerful messages and stories that position sustainability as a corporate value.

Talking about sustainability with a 360° view

From strategy consulting to campaign development and implementation: Oseon supports you in giving your sustainability topics an authentic and target group-oriented stage: be it in the context of corporate communication or employer branding, in C-level positioning or thought leadership campaigns, in responsible product PR or in the form of influencer PR.

Value-based communication

Regardless of whether companies have to fulfill regulatory requirements for climate protection or want to take on ecological responsibility on their own initiative: If climate protection and sustainability become important corporate values, these must also be reflected in strategic communication. True to the motto: "Do good and talk about it".

Sustainability and climate protection are becoming increasingly important as values in corporate culture. However, companies should only integrate them into their communication strategy if they are implemented authentically and stand up to compliance.

Anita Haak, account manager & expert for sustainability

Sustainability communication for stakeholders

Issues such as climate change, moving away from fossil fuels and resource scarcity are relevant to society as a whole. They are correspondingly important for a company's stakeholders. If companies make a positive contribution to climate and environmental protection, it is important that stakeholders are aware of this. Whether they are customers, suppliers, investors or potential employees, they all need to recognize the relevant corporate values that set a company apart from the competition. In addition to the company's actual field of business and expertise, this ensures important reputation building and stakeholders can identify with the corporate values.

No-Go: Greenwashing

But beware, communication about climate protection can be a balancing act.  Those who barely meet the mandatory requirements should not boast about it. This rarely goes down well with interested target groups. Authenticity is also an extremely important factor for credibility and therefore for reputation. If there is more pretense than reality behind "Do good", the image is quickly jeopardized and the stakeholders punish this.

It is therefore immensely important to develop the messages and stories together with the agency in sustainability communication, put them through their paces and make them verifiable.